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August 29, 2014

UPDATE: An Ominous Ebola Forecast from the World Health Organization

From the New York Times, August 28, 2014:   The World Health Organization warned on Thursday that the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, already the largest outbreak ever recorded, is going to get much worse over the next six months, the shortest window in which it might conceivably be brought under control. By then, the […]

August 11, 2014

NOTE: Operation USA mourns the loss of Robin Williams

Today we mourn the untimely loss of comedian Robin Williams, who supported Operation USA with what was perhaps our most successful fundraiser ever–a very special event in which he starred alongside Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett in June 1984. Operation USA will always be grateful for his support. He was truly one of the funniest […]

August 7, 2014

NEWS RELEASE: Operation USA to Deliver Aid to Ebola-Affected Countries

Los Angeles based international relief agency to ship supplies to West Africa   Los Angeles, Calif., August 7, 2014—Operation USA, a Los Angeles-based international relief agency, today announced that it will ship medical and infection control supplies to partners in Liberia and Sierra Leone in support of medical personnel working to combat the further spread […]

May 15, 2014

NEWS RELEASE: Operation USA to Aid Wildfire Relief in Southern California

Los Angeles-based relief agency to distribute N95 particulate filtering masks in fire areas   Los Angeles, Calif., May 15, 2014–Operation USA, a Los Angeles-based international relief agency, today announced that it will distribute more than 1,000 N95 Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators to those fighting and recovering from wildfires sweeping across Southern California this week. The […]

April 18, 2014

BULLETIN: Operation USA to Assess Relief Needs in Mexico Following Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake

Los Angeles, Calif., April 18, 2014–Operation USA, a Los Angeles-based international relief agency, announced today that it is monitoring the situation in Mexico following a reported magnitude 7.2 earthquake on the southern Pacific coast. The earthquake struck north-northwest of Tecpan at 9:27 a.m. EST on Friday and was felt across the Southern region, including the […]

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